
Friday, 19 December 2014

Rushy Bank public consultation

Location of Rushy Bank proposed development
 and the other main growth areas of Charlbury

As part of the Rushy Bank Partnership we are holding a public exhibition of the proposals for the Rushy Bank development on Thursday 15 January 2015, 2.30 - 7.30pm in the Charlbury Corner House (Anne Downer Room).

We will be showing people our plans for community self-build homes on the site and inviting local people who express an interest in self-build to sign up.

The Rushy Bank Partnership includes Cornbury Estate as the land owner, Cox Development Partners, a Charlbury-based professional development team, Oxford Design Studio, a Charlbury-based architectural practice, The Beacon Project Charlbury dealing with the community self-build aspect, Young Dementia UK and a local housing association. 

The proposals are for the development of approximately 30 sustainable homes which will include 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom affordable rent, shared ownership, intermediate and full market sale housing, all designed to meet the needs of our community.

A possible layout for the site, with the
industrial estate and train station to the bottom
The proposals also include land for the Young Dementia UK supported housing scheme which will provide 10 units of accommodation and generate between 10 and 12 full and part-time jobs. The Partnership is committed to use local suppliers, sub-contractors and tradespeople wherever possible on this project. This is a really local partnership right across the board.

The principle is to create a sustainable community that will meet all levels of affordability with preference given to local people to rent or purchase at costs they can afford. The intention is to develop an exemplar for community development and all homes will be built to a high standard with good environmental credentials. There will be approximately equal proportions of each type of housing, subject to the requirements of the local planning authority; coupled with the need to create a viable scheme.