
Monday, 26 January 2015

Thank you Charlbury!

We had a fantastic response to the community display in the Corner House on Thursday 15th January, and would like to express our thanks to everyone who turned out to find out more about the proposed development, and to express their views. We estimate that up to 150 people came through during the afternoon, which is a terrific response.

The Beacon Project Charlbury members who were there fielded a number of enquiries from local people interested in environmentally sustainable affordable or self-build housing near the train station. If you are reading this because you didn't get a chance to come along and register interest then please get in touch via email.

More information about the plans can be downloaded from

We also appreciated the chance to speak to a few residents living on the Evenlode valley side of the town and discuss their concerns. We hope that the Rushy Bank partnership will allay fears in due course and we want to keep the constructive conversation going.

We all love the Evenlode Valley, and we hope this proposal will allow more local people to stay in Charlbury so that they can enjoy it!

There was some great coverage in the Oxford Mail last week about the community event and the project in general (see below - click to enlarge & read). Many thanks to the Wilkinsons for their willingness to go on the record about the local housing need.

Article by Martin Elvery in Oxford Mail, 23 January 2015