
Thursday, 29 October 2015

West Oxfordshire support for self-build

screen grab from WODC news page on self-build
WODC news item on their support for self-build

A news release this month from West Oxfordshire District Council shows how important self-build is becoming in planning policy terms:

News release

Helping aspiring homeowners create their own ‘grand designs’

West Oxfordshire District Council is on the look-out for anyone with a local connection to the District who has ‘grand designs’ to build their own home.

As part of the Government’s ‘Self-build and Custom House-building Act,’ the District Council would like to hear from anyone hoping to build their own home or looking to contract a builder to construct it for them. This includes individual homes and larger developments.

Cllr Warwick Robinson, Cabinet Member responsible for Planning said: “We believe there is an interest in custom and self-build housing within the District as it can be seen as a more affordable route to home ownership and it often inspires innovative, creative design and construction

“We are keen hear from anyone who has any self-build plans and are urging them to sign up to our new online register. This will help us find out more about the number and types of homes they would like to build as we are also working with other individuals and groups to identify suitable land for such projects.”

“Signing up to the register doesn’t mean we can guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified, or become available, however we will do everything we can to help.”

The Council’s self-build register will be reviewed regularly, helping to inform them of the level of demand for plots in West Oxfordshire and enabling them to develop a strategy for matching people to plots in their area.

Self-build homes are subject to the same requirement for planning permission as other homes.

For more information about custom and self-build housing, including sources of funding and advice, or to register an interest, see the Council’s website or call 01993 861000.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Oxford housing crisis & Charlbury

screen grab of BBC news item on Oxford housing crisis

A BBC news item of 19 October makes clear the extent of the housing crisis in our region. Oxford is now one of the most expensive and unaffordable cities in the UK, and those on low and middle incomes are being priced out. This is leading to longer commutes, pressure on the roads and a lack of people to do the jobs that we all rely on to keep places running.

The report discusses objections to new homes in places like Eynsham, who are fearful of the changes that new homes will bring to their communities. But with a main line railway station into Oxford and major new community facilities in the pipeline, Charlbury needs to make a contribution to this local crisis.